02 março 2018

The privatization of rivers

The Criminal Activity series:

When Paul Arthur Castro testified under oath that in the late eighties his elder brother had been a student of Peter Throw  and had great admiration for his Professor, everybody was stunned:

-What!?...the distinguished Castro family infected by the foolishness of Peter Throw!?...

Yes, to the point - Paul Arthur added - that the Castro brothers invited him for a talk at a local cultural group in Gay New Village where the family lived at the time. Paul Arthur was then 18.

The subject of the talk?

The privatization of rivers.

The elder Castro could never recover and has now been an inmate for the last 30 years at a psychiatric unit of a major national hospital.

But Paul Arthur could survive to become a Professor at two universities, a eurodeputy in Brussels, a director of a multinational law firm, the president of a major business group, the vice-president of the Popular European Party and a writer for the bestseller newspaper Publico.

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