19 novembro 2016

USS Vincent

Transcript of the conversation between President-elect Donald Trump and Peter Throw, Part X.

Donald Trump (DT) - Peter, I want Dave too...

Peter Throw (PT) - Please, Don...you cannot have three directors and CEO's of Public at the same time... What about us?...You will destroy the  Portuguese Public...

DT - This is not a request, Peter...this is an order from the President-to-be of the United States, the most powerful man in the World: Send Dave Denis!...Now!

PT - Dinis, Don, ... Dinis...

DT - OK,  Denish ... Denish... I will make him the Director and CEO of the American Public...I will make him  a worldwide celebrity...

PT - What about Vincent?...

DT- He shall be The Honorary President... the soul and  brain of the American Public... Dave will be the arm...

PT - Please, Don... leave Dave with us...would you?...

DT - Sorry, Peter...I cannot... I need Dave here... this man is like me...he does not have fear...

PT- Fear of what?

DT - Fear of fear!...

PT - About that you are quite right, Don... he himself said so ... he does not fear fear...

DT - And more important, Peter... he decides collectively!...Do you know anything more congenial to the American Dream than collective decision-making?...

PT - That's true, Don ... and you cannot find in the World anyone more effective at hiring Trump-friendly journalists and opinion-makers than Dave...

DT - You start to understand me, Peter ... there is nobody more effective at that than Dave, indeed ...both in Portugal and in the  United States...

PT - In the United States too?

DT - Sure...how could I find out - if it were not for Dave -  that powerful, Trump-friendly newspaper that I had never heard about before - The Dallas Morning News?...I always thought that NYT was top...

PT - By the way, Don...is it true that you tweet at midnight?...

DT - Sometimes, Peter... sometimes...when Melania is doing her crochet up till late at night... Now ... this is just to inform you... I have already dispatched USS Vincent to Lisbon to bring all these Public people to the United States...

PT - Do you mean USS Vincennes?...

DT- I have already changed the name...

PT - What about US air force protection against a  plane strike by the enemies of Public in the middle of the Atlantic ...?

DT- Don't worry, Peter... USS Vincent is specialized in bringing planes down...

(To be continued)

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